Ilyas Zahaf Kradra

Fullstack Developer


I'm Ilyas a Master's student, I am currently pursuing a degree in Web Engineering while simultaneously gaining practical experience through an apprenticeship as a Full Stack Developer. With just a year left to complete my studies, I find myself deeply immersed in the world of technology and development.

My passion for technology and coding has been a driving force throughout my academic and professional journey. I am constantly exploring new frameworks and languages to broaden my skill set and stay abreast of industry trends. At present, my proficiency lies in Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, which I employ extensively in my projects. Additionally, I have a strong command of Java, honed through both coursework and practical applications.

My current focus is on enhancing my development skills, particularly in Node.js with Express and in Vue.js / Tailwind CSS to be able to deliver robust web solutions. Above all, I want to become versatile and able to adapt to any situation that may arise.

In essence, I thrive on the challenge of learning and adapting to new technologies. Whether it's mastering a new framework or diving into the intricacies of backend development, I approach each opportunity with enthusiasm and dedication. My journey as a developer is not just about acquiring technical skills but also about embracing the continuous evolution of technology and its endless possibilities.

Curriculum Vitae

Ilyas Zahaf Kradra

Ilyas Zahaf Kradra


Ilyas.zahafkradra.pro@gmail.com GitHub LinkedIn




Angular 2+ / AngularJS



Tailwind CSS / Bootstrap


JavaScript / TypeScript


Java / Hibernate


Node.js / Express

PostgreSQL / MySQL / MongoDB


Git / Docker

Agile / Scrum



Full Stack Developer

Apprenticeship, PWA Assurance, Lyon(69)

( 2022 - Today )

Software Migration:

  • Updated old Java 8 and Swing client-server software to a modern web app using Java 17/21 and AngularJS.
  • Developed new features and improved existing ones.
  • Fixed bugs and optimized performance.

Website Overhaul:

  • Revamped company website with LitJS.
  • Designed mockups and prototypes using Figma for a better user experience.
  • Ensured website responsiveness across different devices.

Web Developer

Internship, PWA Assurance, Lyon(69)

( 2022 for 3 months )

Migration of a web application:

  • PoC of a migration from an AngularJS web app to a VueJS web app.
  • Documentation of the migration process.


Master's Degree in Web Engineering

ESGI, Lyon(69)

( 2023 - 2025 )

Work-Study Program

Bachelor's Degree in Web Development

IUT2, Grenoble(38)

( 2022 - 2023 )

Work-Study Program

DUT in Computer Science

IUT2, Grenoble(38)

( 2020 - 2022 )

Exploration of Computer Science and Web Development

Baccalaureate in Science

Lycée La Saulaie, Saint-Marcellin(38)

( 2019 )

Specialization in Physics and Chemistry


Wine Degustation Workshop Management

( 2024 ) School Project


Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Symfony, MySQL, Tailwind CSS


The project aims to develop a web platform facilitating wine tasting workshop management, encompassing online registration, workshop scheduling, and wine inventory control. Users can register for workshops via online forms, receiving automatic email confirmations. An interactive calendar displays available workshop dates, with administrators empowered to create, modify, and cancel workshops, including setting parameters like participant limits and associated wines. The platform facilitates wine inventory management, allowing addition, modification, and deletion of wines, along with basic information entry and stock tracking. Participants can make reservations, with automatic reminders and administrative oversight. Payment options include PayPal, Lydia, or Paylib, ensuring registration validation upon payment.

Wine Degustation Workshop Management
First Portfolio

First Portfolio

( 2023 ) Personal Project


Vue.js, Tailwind CSS


My first portfolio was a personal project aimed at showcasing my skills and projects. The website was developed using Vue.js and Tailwind CSS, with a focus on responsive design and user experience. The portfolio features a home page introducing myself and my skills, a projects page detailing my work, and a contact page for reaching out. The site is designed to be visually appealing and easy to navigate, with a clean layout and intuitive interface. The project was an opportunity to apply my knowledge of front-end development and design principles, creating a professional and engaging online presence.


( 2024 ) Personal Project


Svelte, Tailwind CSS


My current portfolio is a personal project aimed at showcasing my skills and projects. The website was developed using Svelte and Tailwind CSS, with a focus on responsive design and user experience. The portfolio features a home page introducing myself and my skills, a projects page detailing my work, and a contact page for reaching out. The site is designed to be visually appealing and easy to navigate, with a clean layout and intuitive interface. The project was an opportunity to apply my knowledge of front-end development and design principles, creating a professional and engaging online presence.

